How much does it cost to reset a headstone

Grave maintenance is needed in order to preserve your loved one’s final resting place. Memorials provide a peaceful and private place to grieve, visit, and remember, and should stand the test of time and remain a steadfast symbol of your loved one’s legacy. As such, it’s important that headstones that are tilted or sinking are resettled, also known as relevelling. There are several factors that impact the price, from the materials used to the complexity of the work. Whether you’re maintaining an existing memorial or restoring a damaged one, read on to understand the costs and considerations of memorial upkeep. 

When do you need to reset a headstone? 

A headstone may need to be reset when it becomes tilted, unstable, or has shifted due to weather, settling soil, or time. Over the years, natural elements like frost, heavy rain, or tree roots can cause a headstone to lean or become dislodged from its base. In some cases, vandalism or accidents may also contribute to damage. Resetting the headstone ensures that it remains upright, readable, and respectful to the deceased. It’s important to address this promptly to prevent further damage and to maintain the integrity of the memorial for future generations. 

How much does it cost to reset a headstone? 

The cost to reset a headstone in the UK varies based on factors like the size and weight of the stone, the type of repairs needed, and the location of the cemetery. On average, prices range from £200 to £500, but this can increase if additional services, such as base replacement, are required. Some cemeteries may charge extra fees for access or administrative work. The condition of the headstone and the amount of labour involved also impact the final cost. It’s advisable to contact a professional memorial mason for an accurate quote, as prices can differ across regions and providers. 

The process of resetting a headstone

Resetting a headstone requires careful attention to ensure it’s properly aligned and secure. The process involves lifting, cleaning, and repositioning the stone, often involving specialised tools and expertise to avoid further damage. 

How to fix a sinking grave

Fixing grave sinking involves adding stable fill material, like gravel or dirt, to the sunken area. The soil around the grave should be carefully levelled to prevent further settling. It’s important to compact the fill to create a firm base and avoid uneven ground. In some cases, a professional may be needed to replace or reset the headstone if it’s become displaced due to the sinking. Regular maintenance can help prevent future sinking.

How to fix a leaning headstone

To fix a leaning grave, the headstone needs to be carefully removed and repositioned. A restorer will excavate around the base to expose the foundation, then level the stone. If the base is damaged or unstable, it may need to be replaced or reinforced with concrete. After realigning the headstone, they will secure it in place with compacted soil. Regular maintenance can help to prevent future tilting or leaning.

Can you DIY headstone restorations? 

You can DIY headstone restorations, but it’s important to take caution when making any changes to memorials. Firstly, you’ll want to make sure that you have the permission of the relevant family members before starting any restorations. Gravestones and memorials are often fragile, and with their emotional importance, anything beyond minor DIY restorations could do more harm than good. Instead, make small, consistent steps to clean a headstone, such as wiping it down with warm soapy water to remove dirt build-up. 

Replacing a headstone with Memorials of Distinction 

Memorials of Distinction can provide support and guidance across all aspects of cemetery and funeral planning.  With over 35 years experience in stonemasonry, if a headstone is damaged beyond repair or cannot be reset we offer new  headstones and kerbed memorials that are the highest quality. Our headstones will stand the test of time, giving your family and loved ones a cherished place to visit and remember for years to come. From choosing the headstone material and grave decorations to cleaning and renovation services, our professional team can help ensure that your family has a beautiful place to lay your loved one to rest. 

Not sure which options are right for you and your family? Request a brochure to see a wide variety of designs, or get in touch with our team today to discuss your preferences. 

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